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Structure Cabling

The Importance of Structured Cabling


Your cabling infrastructure typically accounts for a small portion of your total IT systems and networking investment, yet an improperly designed or installed cabling system can be the cause of chronic network problems that may prevent you from ever realizing the true potential of your IT strategies. Moreover, the negative impact of an inadequate cabling infrastructure will only become more evident as you add new applications, more users and faster networking speeds throughout your business — both today and in the years to come. Now is the time to develop and implement an effective structured cabling decision into your overall IT systems and networking strategy.


Making the Right Purchase


At Service Telephone & Equipment, Inc., we specialize in connecting fully integrated infrastructure solutions to maximize your investment and support your business vision. From cabling system design and configuration, video cabling, fiber optics, and rack/data cabinet cleanup to server room solutions, and voice communications, Service Telephone's Structured Cabling Team provides fully comprehensive cabling solutions.


When making a cabling decision, it's important to choose well. No other component in your network has a longer life cycle than your structured cabling system. Though it typically accounts for only 2% of your network investment, improperly designed or installed cabling can account for 80% of network problems — and downtime costs can soar. Service Telephone can help you create a plan and system that reduces the need for moves, additions, changes, and upgrades. So in addition to minimizing workflow disruptions to keep your people productive, you'll also save on reconfiguration and installation costs.


Service Telephone & Equipment, Inc.'s structured cabling services are tested and/or certified to be functional to the highest level of performance and pass city and state codes. Connect withService Telephone and maximize your infrastructure investment!

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